Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Weekly Meal Plan | Mediterranean Cuisine

It's the end of half-term already! This week has flown-by! We have managed to do some lovely things though, like go to the cinema to see Black Panther (HIGHLY RECOMMEND); a trip to Suffolk Road to get out of the house (a cute little street in Cheltenham with some nice, independent cafes); a day out in Cirencester, enjoying a fabulous lunch at Jesse's Bistro and a longer excursion to see what Hereford has to offer.

On Monday we decided to eat light in the evening, after having visited Cirencester and eating a big lunch. We just had bits and bobs with the lovely cheeses we picked up at Daylesford Farm in Kingham.

Tuesday's minty lamb steaks went down well with the veg. Definitely will be getting them again. We had the pancakes for breakfast before Fabio's parents left, with lots of Nutella on them. We ate them like Italians eat pizza - with our hands!

Wednesday we ended up in Hereford and I enjoyed a lovely full-English breakfast from Die Koffie Pot. For dinner we had the Caribbean chicken (see last week's meal plan for the link) which was really good! I think I'd probably add less onion to the salsa next time though. 

On Thursday we had the Afghan meal (A kidney bean stew) for lunch as I cooked it overnight on the slow-cooker (genius!) - post coming this week on my food blog For dinner we were naughty and had our favourite Indian takeaway - Delhi Heights in Cheltenham.

Friday we celebrated Chinese New Year and had another takeout! I went for Chinese Chow Mein which was delicious but kept me up all night! Anyone else find Chinese does this to them?

Here's what we have planned this week - 


We've got some stewing beef in the freezer so i'm going to try this Easy Beef Goulash from Bobsy's Mum.


Today will be a day of recipe-testing and this week is Albanian week! I'm going to be cooking their national dish of Tave Kosi which is very similar to a mousakka  Look out for my recipe on my food blog (link above).


I bought some pizza dough last week to make some pizza's with Fabio's parents. We didn't end up making them so we'll do it this week instead.


I've got some whole sardines in the freezer so i'm going to try and make this recipe of Grilled Sardines with Lemon, Garlic and Paprika from Serious Eats. It looks super yummy and reminds me of being on holiday by the sea! 


I always leave Friday blank because we usually eat out or get a takeout to celebrate the weekend! 

Do you have any interesting meals planned this week? How easy do you find it to stick to a plan?



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