Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Spaghetti Milanese

I love a good pasta dish, especially when you can tell a lot of care and time has been put into the sauce. A sauce made with love!
The following recipe was taken from the book Leon, of which I had bought for me second-hand (although it's practically new) for my Birthday from this most amazing second-hand book shop in Stroud. 

I chose this recipe to celebrate International Dining Week, which was set up in order to raise funds for those less fortunate, but also to raise awareness of the diverse cuisines and cultures that we have in Britain today. 

You can see me cooking it on my most recent vlog. 

Serves 2

4 bacon rashers
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
A splash of olive oil (1 tbsp) 
350g passata
1 tsp sugar
A cup of water
1/4 of a wine glass of red wine
Dried herbs of your liking and added to your liking - I used basil, mixed herbs and marjoram.
200g Spaghetti (or more if you think you'd like more)
Handful of basil, chopped
Parmesan for sprinkling


1. Remove the rind and fat from the bacon.

2. Cut bacon into postage stamp-sized squares.

3. Heat a large saucepan on medium heat.

4. Fry bacon rind and fat until brown and remove from pan.

5. Thinly slice your onion and chop your garlic.

6. Fry onion and garlic in the same pan that had the fat, until light brown. (This helps give the sauce a nice flavour. Add a tiny bit of olive oil if it's sticking).

7. Add a splash of olive oil (about 1 tbsp) and add your bacon squares - fry until cooked.

8. Pour in your passata (if using a jar, try and get all of it out by pouring in a tiny bit of water and shaking to get it off the sides).

9. Add a cup of water and a 1/4 of a wine glass of red wine.

10. Sprinkle in some dry herbs of your choice. Try not to add too much though. It's best to do this and taste as you go.

11. Boil for 5 minutes.

12. Turn the heat down to a simmer and half cover with lid. Leave to simmer for 2 hours. 

13. Before the 2 hours is up, boil water for your pasta and cook your spaghetti for around 8 minutes or until how you like it.

14. Chop the basil and throw into the sauce. 

15. Drain pasta and mix in half of the sauce in a bowl.

16. Serve in bowls topped with the rest of the sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan. Enjoy!

Let me know if your try this dish! Are you joining in with International Dining week? What are you cooking?

Charlotte's Lively Kitchen - Food Year Linkup
Link up your recipe of the week



  1. Yum - this looks delicious! Loved watching your vlog - bacon sticks to most of my pans like that too - tend to use my non stick one for cooking bacon to avoid the sticking - or cook the onions first, like I did in my goulash (but then it's hard to get the bacon brown!) :-) Eb x

    1. Aww thanks :) glad you enjoyed it! I am trying to improve on my cooking vids though! And yes I should have used the non stick pan. I always forget and grab the first one. Yeah that's true about the onions! X


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