An idea came to me recently that could solve all your recipe hoarding problems (although there's nothing wrong with that!) We all do it. We all have a box/bookmark/folder full of magazine/newspaper cuttings and ear-marked recipe books waiting to be looked at. I don't know about you, but this often frustrates me; there's just too many scrummy recipes going around to cope with. I find it all too overwhelming! This is why I have had the idea to create a food link up for every Monday where we can all cook and share our recipes chosen from our over-buldging folders etc, freeing up some space for more (does anyone else get that guilty feeling of hoarding more cuttings when you haven't cooked from any?? Please say I'm not the only one!) The link up, even though being called Magazine Mondays, won't be limited to just magazines.
How will it work?
- Choose a recipe from: magazine, newspaper, recipe book that you've been dying to try
- Share your recipe on your blog and use the hashtag #magazinemondays on Twitter, and tweet me in the process (@fessjarmer) - I will retweet and comment on all
- Each month I may include yours as apart of my favourites in a round-up post
- Share the love on your post by adding the Magazine Mondays board - use the html below and copy into your post
- Add your link by using the button below, and this will appear as a collage on my page
- Spread the cuttings love and comment on at least one person's post - you may get one back!
So what are you waiting for - spread the cuttings love!
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