Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Let's have a chat... Jessica Cantell

Happy Sunday to you all! Are you ready for another blogger interview?? Because I am! I never read the answers until I actually write the interview up, so it always excites me when I come to do this. 

Today's interview is with the lovely beauty Youtuber & blogger from Devon, Jessica Cantell who I am happy to call a friend of mine! Also, what a great name! Haha. But really, she's an amazing person who runs a Youtube channel under her name, Jessica Cantell where you'll find lots of gorgeous make-up tutorials, reviews and chatty videos; she really is an expert. She mainly focuses on Youtube these days but she does also have a beauty blog -

Jessica also has an amazing insta profile where you'll find lots of her make-up looks! Great for inspo. Follow her at:

The stunning Jessica! Credit - Jess Cantell

So go grab yourself a coffee (i've got one in a big mug) and take a few minutes out of your day to relax. Let's start the interview!

First things first, how would you describe your blog?
I would say it's a mixture of make-up looks, flat-lays and my cat!

Oh my gosh, your cat is adorable! So, how long have you been blogging for?
I'm not sure exactly but I suppose about 6 months properly.

Full time or spare time blogger?
Definitely spare time. I'm an Estate Agent so I have to fit it in around that. 

Oh that's cool! I always thought being an Estate Agent would be a  fun job. I love nosing in other people's homes. What was your main reason for starting your blog then?
I've always loved make-up and sharing my passion! I wanted to join a community who do too!

The blogging community is the best. Do you have a blogging schedule or do you write what you fancy at the time?
I try to do a Youtube video once a week minimum. It always ends up being when I've got a spare moment!

Are you a sofa blogger or do you prefer to sit in an office?
On the sofa all the way!  

The sofa is the best place! I always start off at the table but always end up on the sofa! Describe your ideal place to blog.
I suppose I would say in a lovely bright (styled) room..or something completely different like in the countryside for lovely landscape photos. 

Sounds lovely! What's your blogging daily routine? How do you manage your time?
It's tricky sometimes! But I usually try and give myself one night a week to work on my Youtube or make-up looks. It's the editing I find the hardest to fit in because it's not so fun! 

Oh I love the editing part! I'd happily do it for you! We've been chatting for a while now... do you want a cup of coffee, a brew or something herbal? 
Coffee is probably my favourite! I like a cup of normal milky tea in the morning though. 

Yes, another coffee-lover! So let's talk about future plans. Where do you see your blog in the next few years?
Ooh well the thought of that is exciting! I hope to just continue growing my channel and meeting new lovely people along the way. 

Jessica hopes her blog will grow and that she'll meet more people! Credit - Jessica Cantell

Meeting new people is one of the perks for sure! If you could develop your blog in anyway, what would you do? 
Wow, well I'd love to bring out a new make-up palette or something, but I imagine that would be a longggg way off! 

Ooh but never say never! Where do you find inspo to write a blog post?
Well I don't Youtube videos rather than blog posts, but I usually take inspiration from videos I would like to watch myself!

Ahh yes, you're my first Youtuber to do this interview! Do you always find it easy to come up with ideas?
Sometimes no! It can be tricky but other times it comes easily!

Any advice for those who find it difficult to get inspiration?
I would say don't put pressure in yourself. It should be something fun that you enjoy, not a burden. I'm sure lots of bloggers would love to help if there's something specific you're struggling with!

Definitely; we're all really helpful! So, how do you interact with other bloggers? 

I have only recently discovered the wonderful blogging community. Twitter is probably my favourite place to chat with everyone; they're all just so lovely and supportive! 

Twitter is my fave place too! Have you ever collaborated with another blogger? How would approach another person to collaborate?
I would really like to do a collab on my Youtube channel but I'm not sure yet! Going to have a think! I would just say ask people. The worst you'll get is a no, but it's a good way to start a conversation too! 

Exactly! Do you have a blogging idol?
Ooh well I wouldn't say idol but someone I am inspired by is Youtuber Jaclyn Hill. She's great and very talented!

I'll have to look her up! Do you think it's better to blog about everything and anything or to focus on a niche?
Whatever suits you!

Let's talk about money now. What do you think is the biggest cost in blogging?

Probably my urge to buy more and more make-up...

Haha, I can imagine that! So, have you attended any blogging events?
No I haven't. It would be really cool to but I find it difficult with time.

Time is precious! Do you feel it's difficult to be in know about events?
Yeah I think it can be hard to be in the know about them if i'm honest.

Do you feel that there should be more acknowledgement and promotion of bloggers in the press?
I suppose so. I mean, blogging seems to be very much its own little world sometimes, so if we were included in more 
magazines or something, that would be cool!

That would be great! Blogs are used a lot these days to talk about issues such as mental health. If you could use your blog as a platform to talk about something perhaps taboo, what would you talk about and why?
I would actually love to talk more about mental health because I can get anxiety about I don't talk about it much, so it would be a good way to encourage others.

Yes it definitely would! Any tips for a novice blogger starting out?
I would say just go for it! Don't worry about friends from work or school seeing your posts. I know I was at first but it's okay! It's a lovely place to find new friends with the same interests!

Thank you Jessica! Great advice that I wish I'd heard when I first started out!

I also asked Jessica if she would tell us her top 3 beauty products that she's loving right now, so here you go - 

One of Jessica's magical make-up looks. Credit - Jessica Cantell

Three beauty products Jessica is loving right now

1. Anastasia Beverley Hills Aurora Glow Kit

2. Juvia's Place Masquerade Palette

3. Revolution Ultra Face Base Primer

Go check out Jessica's Youtube channel: Jessica Cantell, to see her using these products / she also tweets at @jessicacantell 

Next week I'll be talking to a lifestyle blogger who focuses a lot on mental health topics. She'll also be sharing some travel tips for her home state in America! Be sure to come back next Sunday to check that out!

If you want to take part, drop me a tweet at @fessjarmer with your email.


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