Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Monday, 22 January 2018

Weekly Meal Plan | Slow Cooker Madness

And here we are, another week of meal planning! Last week's meals went well, apart from towards the end. 

The Chinese pork balls in a tropical sauce were super yummy. Fabio, and also my parents really enjoyed them. 

The Mac and Cheese Fabio made was really scrummy - the boy did good! We also had lots of leftovers which was a bonus!

The Sea bass was a nice change but as we only had it with veg, we could have done with something else. We didn't starve though (we never do in this house!) We just ate some snack-y bits after!

The Deliciously Ella roast veg chickpea stew was a scrummy as ever, and I think I must of had nearly 3 portions! However I do think I'm allergic to tomato, as my neck felt itchy afterwards I was all wheezy. It happened again the next day when I ate some of the leftovers. NOT GOOD!! I'll keep an eye on it.

We didn't end up having the vegan slow cooker chickpea tikka masala stew as I forgot to soak the chickpeas! Silly me. We ended up having  an Indian takeaway instead since was a Friday. 

On Saturday we bought ourselves a new slow cooker as our Pro-line one was pretty cheap and had weird mould growing inside it. I did clean it but it was also tad rusty, and in Asda they had a Morphy Richards Sear and Stew one for £20, on sale! Bargain! I'll let you know how I got on with it in my next weekly meal plan.

So this week's meals I've collected from my fellow foodie bloggers. I decided that, since I see so many delicious recipes when I go to link-up my recipes on other websites, I thought why not try some each week? This week, bar 2, there's a particularly slow-cookerish theme!


Finally going to have the vegan slow cooker chickpea tikka masala from The Kitchn.


I'm going to give Jacqueline Bellefontaine's Pan Seared Salmon with Spinach and Beans from Recipes Made Easy, ago. It looks like the perfect mid-week meal. Fabio adores salmon fillets but also the Za'atar spice reminds of his childhood in the Middle East. Can't wait to try them. Oh also, I found the Za'atar spice in Asda; I was surprised they had it.


I love lamb, so I thought Easy Peasy Foodie's Warm Lamb and Halloumi Rice salad looked perfect. Also we're halloumi lovers in this household, so it's a winner winner. Eb uses butternut squash in the recipe, and I managed to find it pre-cut in Asda which I was joyous about! I reckon this recipe would be great in the summer too!


I've got my dreaded driving test on Thursday, so i'll crack out the slow cooker again and make Curlys Cooking's Slow cooker Pork and Mustard Stew. Pork and mustard go so well together, so I can't wait to get these gorgeous flavours with minimal effort.


Since I'm just loving my slow cooker and will want to squeeze every penny's worth out of it, i'm going to make Brooklyn Farm Girl's 4 Hour Juicy Slow Cooker Whole Chicken, and i'll use the leftover for sandwiches on the weekend with some avocado and thick, crusty bread.  Delish!

No plans for the weekend as of yet. Might be going out for a meal on Saturday night with Fabio's parents who are visiting from Italy. 


Have you made a meal plan this week? Share them below and don't forget you can pin them to the Meal Planning Monday linky hosted by Hijacked by Twins.

Hijacked By Twins


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