Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Friday, 5 January 2018

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I logged on to Twitter a couple of nights ago to discover that a fellow blogger had nominated me for this wonderful award! The Sunshine Blogger Award goes to someone who is 'inspirational through their positivity and creativity in the blogging community'. 
I'm very happy that I've been seen to be creating some positivity, what when there's a lot of negativity around. 

I am so pleased to have been nominated by Madison Heise from Tiger Lily Diary. Her blog is wonderful; you should definitely all go and check it out. 

So if you have now have been nominated by me, here are the rules to follow:


  1. Say thank you in your blog post to the blogger who has nominated you, and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Here are my answers to the questions I was asked by Madison:

1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Eek! What a difficult first question. I love so many things about blogging, it's hard to choose! I would say the main thing is to be able to write about the things I love; my passions (food, travel etc). I also love that it reflects who you are as a person, and when you look back at old posts you're able to see how much you've changed, be it as a person or your skills (photography). 

2. Why did you start blogging?

I first started blogging back in 2009; on my old blog which no longer exists! I think I abandoned it before I begun uni. I then re-started blogging in 2012 on a blog named Foodie Bible. I wanted an outlet to share my enthusiasm for cooking, so blogging was perfect. That blog also no longer exists but I think some of the posts made its way onto this blog. I've been blogging on and off since then. I personally think i've always gone back to blogging because I just love sharing my enthusiasm for things; be it food, books, travel. That's always been the main reason, oh and the fact I love writing too. 

3. What is your favourite way to relax?

When I relax, which surprisingly even though i'm home all day, is hardly ever; I like to watch things on Youtube. I have a channel myself and often like to keep up with what's going on in the community there, such as commenting on videos etc, so I use my downtime to do that (technically still working but anyway, I enjoy it).

4. What inspires/motivates you?

My motivation and inspiration comes from all around me but especially other bloggers. I also find Twitter to be a good source of inspiration because you often see people sharing posts from people you don't currently follow, so then you get more inspiration for posts to do yourself. Since I blog about food a lot, I use recipe books, magazines and TV shows to get inspiration for what to cook/bake next.

5. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?

The Caribbean via somewhere in the US. I've been to Bermuda (technically not the Caribbean but close enough) and loved island life so i'd like to explore more around there whilst tying it in to a trip to somewhere in the US (anywhere as i want to eventually visit all the states!)

6. What’s your favourite music?

Another difficult question! I listen to all types of music on Spotify, so I really can't say. I'd say I generally listen mostly to  a lot of indie and pop.

7. Top 3 Favourite Bloggers?

Ahhh so hard to choose as love you all! I'd say in terms of inspiration for myself as the bloggers I'd look up to, they'd have to be (I'm going to choose 4 instead!)

A Mummy Too (Food and lifestyle for busy parents)
Charlottes Lively Kitchen (Healthy recipes for the family)
Janes Patisserie (The most amazing bakes)
Easy Peasy Foodie (Quick and easy weekly meals)

8. Where are you from?

I'm originally from Cornwall but have also lived in Oxford, Canterbury and now Cheltenham.

9. Whats your biggest passion?

Blogging of course! Oh and baking and travelling (and blogging it!)

10. What are you most excited for in 2018?

I'm really excited for the launch of my new website which is going to be focusing purely on food and travel. I'm also looking forward to going to more blogging events and trying to engage in more opportunities. 

11. Whats your dream job?

I already love what I'm doing but I guess i'd love to travel the world for free and write about it (as do most people!)

Here are my nominees (in no particular order)

And here are my questions to you all!

1. What 3 things do you enjoy most about the blogging community?
2. When you're not blogging, what are you doing instead?
3. Tea or coffee and how do you take it?
4. Favourite place to blog?
5. Have you owned any blogs before your current one?
6. Which 3 bloggers do you look up to for inspiration?
7. Do you have a preferred snack when blogging?
8. Full-time or part-time blogger?
9. Do you listen to music whilst your blogging? If so, what?
10. How do you deal with lighting issues when taking photographs?
11. How far in advance do you plan your posts?

I can't wait to read all of your answers! Tweet them to me and I'll retweet/comment on all. 


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