Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Peppermint White Hot Chocolate | BLOGMAS DAY 18

Two years ago, I wrote a post with a recipe to an Italian hot chocolate with peppermint cookies. I'm a massive fan of anything peppermint-flavoured. I mean, yesterday my post for S'mores were candy cane flavoured... I'd have every post for blogmas featuring peppermint if I could... maybe next year! 
This year I thought i'd put it in a hot chocolate. Nothing revolutionary, I know. But I haven't done it yet for this blog, so why not! The following recipe is quite sweet. If you don't like anything too sweet, you can omit the sugar. 

Serves 1


1 mug full of milk (I measured mine with the mug I used - it's a standard size as you'll see in the pics)
1/4 tsp of peppermint extract
1 tsp of sugar
60g white chocolate, chopped
Squirty cream
1 x candy cane


1. Pour the milk into a pan, along with the sugar and peppermint extract. Whisk a little to combine. Heat until steaming. 

2. Add the chocolate and whisk until melted. Pour into your chosen mug.

3. Squirt on the cream, pop in the candy cane, and then drink! 

If you saw BLogmas day 16's post, you'll know the I served mine in my newly purchased mug from Home Bargains! I absolutely love it. 

And if you're interested...

Vlogmas day 18


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