Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Monday, 16 May 2016

Summery Gazpacho with Crostini

The word 'gazpacho' makes me imagine hot cobbled streets; white-washed Spanish houses and little cafes down side-streets serving this delight on a hot, summery evening. 

I have never eaten gazpacho before. Well, now I have, but before I hadn't! I think it's the fact that I live in a usually-cold country, and despite having lived in Spain for a year when was 11, the opportunity never arose. 

When I saw this recipe in my Jamie Oliver magazine from July 2010 (yes, I have kept it that long), I thought one day I will try it. Well, that day was today! The weather has been so nice recently, so I thought the opportunity was perfect. 

If you've never tried it before, just beware that it is unique. I did find it hard to get my head around the fact that it's served cold. My taste buds did try to reject it a few times, but if you get past that hurdle, you'll be sure to enjoy its tomatoey, vinegary taste. Paired with some a simple crostini, it becomes a perfect summertime supper. 

Note: This recipe is very simple to make, just note that you will need to prepare this in advance, to be sure it's cold enough when serving.

Serves 2 



125g crusty bread (try to avoid the crust if you can)
Half an onion (Recipe suggested red, I used white)
1 garlic clove
1/4 of a cucumber, peeled
Half a red pepper
3 large, ripe tomatoes, skinned
Olive oil (recipe suggested extra-virgin, you can use whichever)
Sherry vinegar
Fresh basil to garnish


Half a baguette 
Olive oil
Rock salt


1. Tear your bread into pieces. Try to avoid using the crust. I did include some crust in mine as I realised the bread I had didn't quite equate to 125g - include it if you have to.

2. Pour 100ml cold water over the bread to soak.

3. Chop the following items into rough pieces: half onion, cucumber, pepper, garlic clove.

4. Blanche your tomatoes (drop in boiling water and simmer for 2 minutes, run under cold water) to make it easier to peel off the skins. Chop into quarters.

5. Add all your vegetables to your preferred blender. I chose to use my Nutri bullet. 

6. Add in a generous drizzle of olive oil and a splash of sherry vinegar. I used the El Majuelo vinegar which I found on Ocado. I was happy with this one since it has the D.O.C seal of approval. 

7. Blend the ingredients until smooth. If you think it's too thick, add some water to create the right consistency, which I think isn't watery, but also not thick. Apparently gazpacho has many variations, so make it to your liking. 

8. Pour into a jug and refrigerate until very cold.

9. Before serving, cut your baguette in half and into quarters. Toast under a grill for 2 minutes. Drizzle on some olive oil and grill for 30 seconds more, until absorbed and crispy. Sprinkle on some rock salt before serving.

9. Serve cold with a drizzle of olive oil and a basil leaf garnish.

Please let me know if you take the plunge into the cold and try this summery soup! Or if you have made it before, how have you done it? 
I will be linking this up to my weekly food link-up, Magazine Mondays, where we link up recipes from magazine cuttings. 

Jess Cantoni

I will also be linking up with Charlotte's lively Kitchen as it's British Tomato Week and also National Vegetarian week. As well as Cook Blog Share, No Croutons Required with Lisa's Kitchen and Tinned Tomatoes, who also hosts Meat Free Mondays.

Charlotte's Lively Kitchen - Food Year Linkup



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