Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Let's have a chat... A Beautiful Chaos

As usual, pull up a chair and make yourself a cuppa, a brew... or a smoothie (as Nicole says she prefers!) because today, in my second edition of interviewing another fellow blogger, I'm sitting down and having a chat with Nicole from A Beautiful Chaos. 

The beautiful Nicole

Nicole from A Beautiful Chaos

Nicole blogs at - a mental health awareness blog based in the South West of England; another Southern blogger (not on purpose, I promise!)
Nicole thrives on promoting mental health and has recently launched an amazing online magazine (I just bought her first issue!) - A Beautiful Minds - more on this below, but let's first see what she has to say about blogging...

First things first, how would you describe your blog?
My blog is a mental health and well-being blog which focuses on educating, raising awareness and supporting those who struggle with their mental health. I also like to sometimes cover a bit of lifestyle and topical discussions as well.

So, how long have you been blogging for?
I've been blogging for just over three years now. 

Full time or spare time blogger?
I blog in my spare time.

What was your main reason for starting A Beautiful Chaos?
My blog started as a fashion and beauty blog. I wanted a place to share my latest outfits and style tips. That clearly isn't the case anymore.

Do you have a blogging schedule or do you write what you fancy at the time?
I try and upload two times a week, on a Monday and Friday at 6:00pm.

Are you a sofa blogger or do you prefer to sit in an office?
I blog in my office!

So where would your ideal place to blog be?
I really like blogging in my office, although I wish it was a bit bigger sometimes. 

What's your blogging daily routine? How do you manage your time?
I don't really have a routine. I just try and make the best use of any 'dead time' I have, so on public transport or when I can't get to sleep etc.

We've been chatting for a while now... do you want a cup of coffee, a brew or something herbal?
Can I say neither... I'm more of a smoothie kind of gal.

Now you have your smoothie in hand, let's talk about future plans. Where do you see your blog in the next year? And the next 10 years?
In the next year I don't think much will change. I have to focus on my A-levels. However, I'm hoping in 10 years I'll still be blogging, but also running a successful mental health magazine called Beautiful Minds, which I've already started the ball rolling with.

If you could develop your blog in any way, what would you do?
I guess I'm kind of doing this with the start of my mental health magazine and shop, which sells mental health awareness stickers.

Yes, and I'm loving the magazine so far! Where do you find inspo to write a blog post?
The blogging community, recent news headlines or just my own personal experiences.

Do you always find it easy coming up with ideas?
Pretty much because it's just based on my personal experiences, thoughts and opinions really.

That's true! Any advice for those who find it difficult?
Don't force any ideas. Just let them come to you...

I totally agree. So, how do you interact with other bloggers? Does this help grow your blog?

I am always on Twitter talking to new bloggers and joining in with Twitter chats. It really helps your blog grow, but it is always a lovely way to make friends with like-minded individuals.

Have you ever collaborated with another blogger? And how would you approach another blogger?
I've worked with lots of other bloggers and brands. For working with other bloggers, I think building up a friendship with them first is so important. As for brands, I think it's so important not to fear rejection. You have nothing to lose by just reaching out to them first.

Do you have a blogging idol?
My blogging idol is anyone who loves what they do, and who blogs about things that really matter in society.

Do you think it's better to blog about everything and anything or to focus on a niche?
I think it's really down to the individual. I like to blog about mainly mental health but a few other topics as well, and I don't think it matters that much.

Let's talk about money now. What do you think is the biggest cost in blogging?

Time spent on writing, taking photos, editing, scheduling tweets, interacting with others. You can't put a price on time.

That's very wise of you. So, have you attended any blogging events?
I've been to a mental health meet up at the start of this year, but I have never been to any official press events.

Do you feel it's difficult to be in the know about events? If not, how do you find out about them?
Yes! I think just keeping an eye out on Twitter and being part of blogger Facebook groups will keep you in the know.

What's the main goal when going to a blogging event?
I've never been to an official one, but if I did I would want to have the most fun possible and get to know lots of other lovely bloggers.

Do you feel that there should be more acknowledgement and promotion of bloggers in the press?

Yes, there should be for sure; we work so hard.

I've really enjoyed this chat! So, last question - any tips for a novice blogger starting out?
Keep at it! Sucess will not happen over night. You have to work very hard but don't let other's success put you off. We were all beginners once.

Thank you Nicole! If you want to check out A Beautiful Chaos, visit / Nicole tweets at: @beaut1fulchaos_

If you want to go and buy the first issue of Nicole's fantastic magazine, A Beautiful Minds, go visit her Etsy shop:

Come back next Sunday, where I'll be sitting down with another amazing blogger. If you want to take part, drop me a tweet with your email address: @fessjarmer

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