Lifestyle, Book Reviewer & Meal Plan do-er

Saturday, 26 March 2016

White Chocolate M&M Slabz

This is for all the lovers of white chocolate. This recipe is such an easy way to create a 'bar' of chocolate that you can customise to your liking. It's so easy that you probably all can figure out the recipe without me writing it down here. However for blogging and continuity purposes, I will! 


300g of white chocolate for melting 
A packet of M&Ms (I chose the peanut ones)
2 oreo biscuits
Coloured sprinkles


1. Melt the chocolate in a bain marie (you can use a bowl over a pan of water if you don't own one).

2. Line a tray with greaseproof paper and pour the chocolate all over.

3. Crush the oreos and crumble over the chocolate, as well as the M&Ms and Oreos. 

4. Leave to cool and then place in the fridge to finish cool it further. I would suggest to temper the chocolate, to stop it from melting in your hands, but I think this will be demolished quick enough to allow that to happen!

Happy Easter everyone!


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