This post is going to be quite short as I'm extremely tired from yesterday! We had a bit of late one, arriving home at 1:30 in the morning...
Yesterday we drove to Oxford as I had planned to meet up with my friends from University for Afternoon tea. My husband decided to spend his day having lunch in the pub with some of our other friends, who I was to see later.
We had a scrummy afternoon tea at Malmaison in the Oxford Castle; an interesting location to visit afterwards since the castle, despite in ruins, is a Normal Medieval Castle with a lot of history attached.
The afternoon tea consisted of 4 finger sandwiches (I swapped my ham on white for another salmon as I forgot to say no white bread! I also gave my egg on white to my friend who gave me her other salmon - lucky me!)
- A miniture Victoria sponge (My fave!)
- Fruit scone & clotted cream
- small creme brûlée
- Some sort of cake which i didn't try! (I think it was carrot?)
My beautiful friends who I love very much!
We had a great time catching up as we hadn't seen each other since my wedding last September. It's nice to make time for friends once in a while. Life can become like you're stuck in your own bubble, so it's a good idea to spare some time once a month to spend time with those you care about.
After catching up we did a spot of shopping (bought a couple of tops in Primark) and then I headed back to a house full of people having a sushi making session. What great timing!
Above in the photo you'll notice my husband Fabio heading up the sushi scene (he's done a course you see), and relaxing around are our other lovely friends from Uni.
Like I said above, sometimes it's hard to find time for friends. I mean, we only live an hour away from these guys, and this is the first time we've seen them in a while! So last night I decided that we have to make a date in our diary for the next time we can all meet. This way we won't all keep forgetting to arrange it and let life take over.
How do you find time for your friends? Do you also find it hard sometimes to fit everybody into a busy schedule?
Also, please could you be so lovely and check out my friend Rachel's blog here. She's the one in the top photo on the far right :) She's pretty cool. You should follow her. She also has a beauty blog coming out soon, so check that out too when she announces it!
Hope you're having a super Sunday!
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